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Dark Fawn (DF)
Date of birth

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The female has a strong structure inscribed in a square. Its fiber is fine, dense, shiny and evenly crimped along its length.

2023 (withers): 17.1µ / SD 3.6 / CV 21.1% / CF 100.0% / CRV 51.7
2023 (center): 16.6µ / SD 3.6 / CV 21.9% / CF 100.0% / CRV 48.0
2023 (neck): 18.4µ / SD 4.0 / CV 21.7% / CF 99.9% / CRV 46.4
2023 (rump): 14.6µ / SD 3.2 / CV 21.8% / CF 100.0% / CRV 52.5

Father: Miriquidi Seventh Heaven's Pride (last photo)
Miriquidi Seventh Heaven's Pride is a male with interesting genetics and has won several awards internationally. His mom - Canchones Miriquidi Sensation is the first offspring descended from the legendary Patagonia pair Celtic Rising Sun and Lee Carraow Seventh Heaven from Australia. The latter, and therefore Pride's grandmother (after whom he is named, by the way) is a true international legend, who, not without reason, more than 12 years ago was sold at the National Alpaca Show &Sale for the sum of $56,000! On the other hand, its grandfather - the Patagonia Celtic Rising Sun is also "top of the top". We could write endlessly about its fine, shiny and beautifully crimped fiber. The fiber of this bachelor at 13 was only 21.4 microns. Patagonia Celtic Rising Sun is a winner of many awards, and his offspring are still successful at most shows in Australia, New Zealand and Europe. Pride's distant ancestors, including Camelot Tor, Jolimont Attitude are other big names in the alpaca world. His dad, Snowmass Quechua's Innovation, on the other hand, is this time of American roots. He is one of the most prominent sons of Snowmass Quechua. The combination of Snowmass Olympic Belle and Snowmass Quechua created one of the best white males the world has ever seen. His brother, Snowmass Matrix, achieved the highest price ever - he was sold at auction for $675,000! The pedigree continues to feature such icons as Peruvian Hemingway and ancestors from the Accoyo family - one of the best alpaca breedings in Peru.

2018 (1 year): 14.1µ / SD 2.9 / CV 21.0% / CF 100% / CRV 51.4
2019 (year 2): 18.5µ / SD 4.3 / CV 23.3´% / CF 99.4% / CRV 41.7
2020 (year 3): 21.3µ / SD 4.7 / CV 22.2´% / CF 95.9% / CRV 38.6
2022 (year 5): 21.6µ / SD 4.4 / CV 20.3´% / CF 95.7% / CRV 48.5

2019 - Int.Alpaka Zucht Schau Austria / Huacaya Fawn / Inter ***** - 1st place
2019 - Alpaka Schau Süd in Bayreuth / Huacaya Dark Fawn / Inter ***** - 3rd place2018 - Welt der Alpakas 2018 in Buchloe / Huacaya Dark Fawn / Inter ***** - 1st place
2018 - AAeV Vliesshow / Huacaya Fawn / Fleece / Junior 6-12 - 2nd place

Mother: Charlton Olympia (White)
We will also see great personalities in Olympia. At the ancestral home of Cedar House Storm 2 of Wessex, there we will find Accoyo blood, and thus some of the most outstanding alpacas ever brought to Australia. For those familiar with the world of alpacas, names such as Purrumbete Inti, Benleigh Highland Lass and Cedar House Peru Accoyo Jacomo cannot be passed by. Cornelius' great-grandfather, Rural Alianza Don Pepe of Wessex, on the other hand, is a male who won the title of Supreme Champion of the Royal Show UK in 2009.

2022 (year 10): 25.8µ / SD 5.0 / CV 19.5% / CF 83.6% / CRV 40.0


Many desktop publishing packages

Going through the cites of the word

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (

The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.



2 miejsce na V Fleece Show PZHA w kategorii Fawn 12-24 miesiące


Family tree



Miriquidi Seventh Heaven’s Pride

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the

Charlton Olympia

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Family tree

Miriquidi Seventh Heaven’s Pride

Charlton Olympia

Snowmass Quechua's Innovation

Snowmass Quechua

Snowmass Olympice Belle

Canchones Miriquidi Sensation

Patagonia Celtic Rising Sun ET

Lee Carrow Seventh Heaven

Cedar House Storm 2 of Wessex

Cedar House Brave Heart

Cedar House Snow White 2

Charlton Elen

Rural Alianza Wiracocha of Wessex

Lorena of Wessex

Miriquidi Seventh Heaven’s Pride

Snowmass Quechua's Innovation

Snowmass Quechua

Snowmass Olympice Belle

Canchones Miriquidi Sensation

Patagonia Celtic Rising Sun ET

Lee Carrow Seventh Heaven

Charlton Olympia

Cedar House Storm 2 of Wessex

Cedar House Brave Heart

Cedar House Snow White 2

Charlton Elen

Rural Alianza Wiracocha of Wessex

Lorena of Wessex


Meet animals from the same breeding farm

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